Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Seniors Honored at Last Home Game

The last regular season football game ended Friday night with a hard fought lose against The Fort Dale Eagles. Prior to the game we honored the seniors in the annual Senior Night. The seniors include: Lindsey Andrew, Hannah Killingsworth, Sydney Ellis, Brooke Morris, Summer Orr, Evan Faircloth, Caleb Hughes, Tanner Roberson, Reid Potthoff, Frank  Garrison, Will Cobb, John Williams, Alonzo Mayo, and Alex Welsh. Each student presented their parents with a red rose in gratitude for their support at Lakeside athletic events.

The Lakeside Chiefs will host the first round of AISA state playoffs this Friday at 7 P.M. We will be playing The Jackson Academy Eagles from Jackson Alabama. This is an honor for our team, our school, and our fans. We encourage all to come support the CHIEFS!

"Cash Giveaway" Produces Happy Chiefs

The Lakeside School had the annual "Cash Giveaway" during the Lakeside-Fort Dale football game. This fundraiser provides money for the general operational expenses of the school. Excitement mounted as board members Sadie Neville, Ben Garrison, and former coach Johnny Shoemaker turned the gold basket and the lucky 7 tickets were drawn. The winners were; Dustin Preslar-$500; Shelby Williams-$500; Mila Dewberry-$1,000; Bill Scroggins-$1,000; Kim and Rob Rosen-$1,000; Davis and Austin Johnson-$1,000; and the $10,000 winner was Clay Williams. The school appreciates all support and ticket buyers for this event.

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